Monday, June 7, 2010

Chicks with Kicks Campaign

cwklogo.jpgChick With Kick Campaign

Preventing Gender Based Fashion Injustice

Sponsored By L.A.M.E. Clothing Project

On the evening of June 4th, 2010, outside of Sutra Night Club in Denver, Colorado, Triston Dimery was denied entry into the club. The justification for denial of entry, was that she was wearing sneakers. She pointed out that the young man in front of her had on similar athletic footwear as she. The manager of the establishment then replied, “Only males were allowed to athletic footwear in the facility.  Women were not allow to wear sneakers in the club.”

According to Merriam- Webster dictionary, discrimination is defined as the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently.

In the case of Triston Dimery, the only physical difference in the managers’ judgment was that She was a Woman. And had She been a Man, the attire worn would have been satisfactory to enter the establishment.

In America, one is not to be treated differently based of sex, race, religion, or disability. Under the federal law the following acts, discrimination based on sex is illegal;
-                Sex Discrimination Act of 1984
-                Equal Opportunity Act of 1984

L.A.M.E. Clothing Project is sponsoring a summer long campaign that helps to shed light on fashion injustices in a women’s empowerment movement. L.A.M.E. Clothing Project is an urban clothing line, and athletic footwear is very much about of our culture, and design esthetic. We would like to reach out to the community to help start an urban movement.

On the site we will be showcasing galleries of women from all over rocking their flyest kicks, sharing testimonials, and representing their individuality. We would also like help from everyone that supports the cause to donate a pair of shoes, protest companies that discriminate, and share their thought of what it is to be a chick with kicks.

Any companies that would like to be a sponsor, and join the campaign movement please feel free to contact us at We need all the help we can get to make this effort as effective as possible.

For individuals who would like to donate their effort and time, please contact There you can send photos, testimonials, and receive more general information on the campaign and the company.

L.A.M.E. = Living Ambitious through Meaningful Existence, as a clothing company with initiative we feel that it is our duty to address issues that may effect our customer basis. We are always searching for ways to get involved and make a difference is the communities near and far. We appreciate all your support, and look forward to having a long presence in you closet and hearts.

Thank you,

Triston Dimery
Owner/ Designer
L.A.M.E. Clothing Project

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